About Us
We opened our doors to Buds and Blossoms Preschool in Fallbrook in November of 2020 in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. Ensuring children were able to have a stable nurturing environment when the world outside was far from it. The staff have taken extra measures to sanitize and do health checks to help families stay healthy so their world can be as “normal” and stable for the children while in the preschool.
Our Story
Over 30 years of working in the child development field and following my passion for teaching young children. I noticed a big gap in quality preschool for middle income families. I have worked for many years in Head Start and in the private sector. Parent were either receiving help through various agency to help with the cost of preschool or they were struggling to juggle the cost of having to send their children to place they can trust that was going to care for their children.
I wanted to make a difference in the lives of children and their families. I feel that families shouldn’t have to choose between affordable and quality. With the help of Tony Arzu and many friends and family supporting us, We decided to open up Buds and Blossoms Preschool in Fallbrook, CA. We wanted to give back to our community and to build a bigger community of supportive people that wanted to see their children grow developmentally at their own pace through a Reggio Emilia inspired program.
By: Nikki Boles
Community Partnerships

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