Checking In and Out
We use the Brightwheel App to provide a contactless drop off and pick up. Upon drop off health check questions are completed via the app. Each authorized adult will be issued an unique code for the check in and out process.

6 Weeks – 24 months

2 – 3 years
Our toddler program continues to provide opportunity to socialize, build relationships, and self expression. This program extends opportunity to explore art, music, and nature discovery.

3 – 5 years
Our preschool program provides hands on activities that are focused on the process not the product. Through intentional learning environments, children are able to practice problem solving, critical thinking, art through various media, and nature discovery. Activities are play based on each child’s individual emotional and development. Providing them a safe and nurturing environment to explore, learn and contribute.
What we Offer
Social Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Learning is the process where children acquire and apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve goals , and building relationships. Our programs fosters social emotional learning in all of the classroom environments and changes to meet the needs of all the children and their development.
Outdoor Learning
Children learn through all of their senses. Children are able to be close to nature and discover the outdoors. They are encouraged to get messy, make mud pies, dig in the construction zone, water and sensory play. Just enjoy being a child. Spending time outdoors helps children to develop both gross and fine motor skills.
Buds and Blossom teaching staff completes the Desired Results Developmental Profile (2015) [DRDP (2015)]: A Developmental Continuum from Early Infancy to Kindergarten Entry. The DRDP (2015) is a formative assessment instrument developed by the California Department of Education for young children and their families to be used to inform instruction and program development. The DRDP (2015) is based on the previous DRDP instruments. It includes refinements made over the past several years and new elements that are essential to quality early childhood education. It aligns with the California Department of Education’s Early Learning and Development Foundations.
The DRDP (2015) is administered in natural settings through teacher observations, family observations, and examples of children’s work. Ongoing documentation of children’s knowledge and skills in everyday environments is a recommended practice for early childhood assessment.
Families are asked to complete an annual Ages and Stages Questionnaire Third Edition (ASQ®-3) and Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional Second Edition (ASQ: SE2) online. ASQ’s are developmental screening tools designed for use by early educators and health care professionals. They rely on parents as experts, is easy-to-use, family-friendly and creates the snapshot needed to bridge the gap between school and home. So that we can work as a community to support the whole child.
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.